
This is a fantabulous accent training course and very widely in demand across the globe. Many Indian speakers face the problem because of mother tonuge influence ( MTI ) so they cannot speak english in a standard way( Pronunciation). The reason behind the weak accent is the vernacular background of the learners as well as they do not have proper training of all phonetic sounds.
For example -
Many people pronunce the word ' Potato' wrongly.
School as 'eskul' etc.
There are end number of examples where our speakers commit mistakes while speaking english.
The training gives a clear cut idea about 44 sounds of English and they are divided into 24 consonants and 20 vowel sounds. Along with this, it gives a detail description of manner & articulation place.It helps learners to understand how the sounds are produced. In addition to this, the learners can learn phonetic transcription of various words with pronunciation and stress patterns. Finally, practice is the key of success and here learners get more practice session to sound more native.
To sum up, this course can help the non- native speakers to learn global english pronunciation with ease.